
Saturday, April 24, 2010
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at http://rogerlandes.blogspot.com/. You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.
For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to http://rogerlandes.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default.
posted by TaosJohn at 7:54 PM

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Had a great time in Denver last weekend in a series of events hosted by my friend Pete Strickler: a packed house concert in which I played 10 different instruments and foot percussion (still no vocals yet - don't hold yer breath), taught a few private lessons and gave an Irish session workshop to 15 folks. Got to session all three nights I was there. All in all a fabulous time. Visited OME banjos to discuss the Irish tenor they are building for me, and then a trip to Herb Taylor's shop to see the neck and sides of the new bouzouki he's building me (black walnut back and sides, cedar top and maple/ebony neck/fretboard). Then a nice drive home to Taos. Hoping to do more of these teaching/performing weekends...
posted by Roger Landes at 4:55 PM

Thursday, January 31, 2008
long time...
...since I posted anything here, but I have made a resolution to start doing so starting now. OK, here's latest news:
1. Planning for ZoukFest 2008 is well under way and we'll be announcing staff on our website http://zoukfest.com this week. Look for some really interesting new staff and curriculum. We're all really looking forward to our 8th year (!) and the 2nd at our fantastic new home at College of Santa Fe.
2. Later this year I will be premiering two new works composed for me. The first is "In Blue Spaces" written by North Carolina-based composer Paul Elwood. It is a 10 minute single movement chamber work for Irish bouzouki with violin, viola, flute, clarinet, cello and piano. It is probably the first chamber work written for the Irish bouzouki! The second is an electro-acoustic piece written by award-winning composer Paul Rudy. As yet untitled, it has a solo part for Irish bouzouki played live by me, with accompanying parts comprised from recorded samples of sounds I can make on the instrument. I am very excited by the opportunity and challenge of these works.
3. Many have asked when I was going to record another solo CD. ("Dragon Reels" turned 10 last year, and my last two releases have been duos with Chipper Thompson - "The Janissary Stomp" and Randal Bays "House to House.") It looks like it might be another year before I can get into the studio for another solo outing. I have a couple of new bouzoukis on order and I'd like to have a few months with them under my belt before recording again.
OK - that's it for now. I promise to try and log in here at least weekly from now on.
Thanks for reading!
posted by Roger Landes at 11:38 AM

Friday, April 06, 2007
Roger Landes & Chipper Thompson April Tour
Doing a few gigs in the midwest with Chipper. Hope to see y'all there! Thursday 4/12: Lexington, KY 3:00pm Radio interview on WUKY 91.3FM.
Friday 4/13: Lexington, KY 12:00pm John Jacob Niles Center 7:00pm John Jacob Niles Center UK School of Music 105 Fine Arts Building Lexington, KY 40506-0022 Phone: 859-257-4900
Saturday 4/14: Lexington, KY 2:00pm Joseph Beth Booksellers 161 Lexington Green Circle Lexington KY 40503 800 248 6849 859 273 2911
Saturday 4/14: Lexington, KY 9:00pm Natasha's Cafe 112 Esplanade Lexington, KY 859.259.2754
Sunday 4/15: Atlanta, GA 8:00pm RedLight Cafe 553 Amsterdam Ave Atlanta, GA 30306 (404) 874-7828 http://www.redlightcafe.com/
Tuesday 4/17: Champaign, IL 8:00 House concert at home of Dean Karres Contact: www.pipers-hut.com/concerts concerts@pipers-hut.com 217-390-3291
Thursday 4/19: Kansas City, MO 7:30 gig at Cafe & 1811 W. 45th St. Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 753-3322 http://www.eddiedelahunt.com/contact.htm
Sunday 4/22: Hutchinson, KS 2:00 concert Hutchinson/Reno Arts & Humanities Flag Theater 310 N. Main Hutchinson, KS contact: Mark Rassette phone: 620.662.1280 email: hrah@cox.net
posted by Roger Landes at 8:08 PM

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Roger Landes & Chipper Thompson NM Tour
Howdy there, Folks! well, it's sure been a while since I posted. Here's what's shakin':
Roger Landes & Chipper Thompson "Janissary Stomp" Tour of New Mexico (y la pequeña esquina de Tejas)
Wednesday, Feb. 7th House concert 925 McKelligon El Paso, TX Contact: Steve Yellen 915.842.7937 stevenyellen@gmail.com
Thursday, Feb. 8th, 8pm The Black Box Theater 430 Downtown Mall Las Cruces, NM
Doors open at 7:30 Tickets available at Hubbard's Music and More on Foster,
Mountain Music on Solano and from Steve Smith. $12.oo adv, $15.oo at door. Students $10.oo For more info call 505-525-0559 desertnite@zianet.com Friday, Feb. 9th, 7pm Unitarian Fellowship 1010 16th St. Alamogordo, NM contact: SKY & John Yates 505.437.0325 alamohouseconcert@yahoo.com (tickets @ door)
Saturday, Feb. 10th, 8pm GIG Performance Space 1808 Second St (across from Cloud Cliff Bakery) Santa Fe, NM (tickets @ door) http://www.gigsantafe.com/
Hope to see you all there!
posted by Roger Landes at 12:11 PM

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Tucson, Saturday, Nov. 18th
I'll be in Tucson this Saturday opening for Battlefield Band with Chipper Thompson. Hope to see y'all there!
posted by Roger Landes at 9:18 PM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Gig in Crestone this Sunday
I'm doing a house concert this Sunday, September 17th with Chipper Thompson at the Hazelrig Music House in Crestone, CO. For reservations call (719) 256-4371 or email: sylehz@ctelco.net
posted by Roger Landes at 11:07 PM

"The Janissary Stomp" in national release
We're gearing up to release "The Janissary Stomp" nationally next month just in time for the Christmas buying frenzy (those folks in the photo above look pretty happy about it!).
Sidestreet Distribution http://www.elderly.com/sidestreet/ in East Lansing, MI has agreed to distribute it to their network of independent, non-chain stores that are the lifeblood of folk and traditional music (sorry Borders and Barnes & Noble!).
We've redesigned the cover art for this release, which will also be available for online purchase on this website: https://rogerlandes.com/orders.html
Thanks for your support!
posted by Roger Landes at 6:35 PM

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